This December why not challenge yourself to get outside, get a bit fitter and feel like you’ve earned all that delicious festive scoff. All you have to do is complete one of the activities on the list below every day of Advent (have the 25th off if you like). You can record on Strava, or post a picture of your activity on Instagram or Facebook.
Use the hashtags #activityadvent #granitetrails and @mention @granitetrailsoutdoor and any friends who should be taking part. You can print a special logbook off to keep track of your progress. Let’s keep the positive vibes going and give out plenty of encouragement to everyone for getting involved.
Remember to exercise safely and if in doubt, consult a suitable professional to check if what you’re planning is a good idea.
The Activities
The times and distances are very much a minimum, serious fitness enthusiasts will want to go bigger!
● Running on or off road, 5km
● Cycling, road, touring, gravel, mountain, 20km
● Hiking/ hill walking, 20km
● Surfing, SUPing, bodyboarding, bodysurfing, bellyboarding. 1 hour minimum in/on the water
● Open water swimming 1.5km
● Rock climbing. 5 routes or 10 boulder problems
● Ski touring. At least 1 hour going up hill
● Static workout, could include turbo training, weights session, circuit training, cross fit type workout etc. 1 hour of intense activity.
● Mountaineering/winter climbing. If you reach the top of a mountain (approved by the GT team) or do a climb with ice axes and crampons, this counts!
Good luck, have fun!